Sunday 23 October 2016

LiveOutLoud - Meaning

LiveOutLoud - Meaning

LiveOutLoud - Meaning

"Living Out Loud" to me means opening the door and letting yourself out, speaking your mind, singing and being yourself no matter who is around. It's kind of like wearing your clothing with the seams on the outside, so people see what kind of great stuff you are really made of.
I am now receptive to the idea that it is time for me to stop whispering and to start living out loud.I was once in the shadows of things. My very being was dying slow but severely. Eventually, I came out to the light. I refused to be caged by someone comments, beliefs etc. 
I stop hiding! I walked out of that tunnels prole and I created for myself.I stop holding myself back and playing myself down!  I stop worrying about how i look and what people are saying.  I stop listening to what people are saying and trying to find out if they are whispering about me. I stop waiting for someone to tell me that i am okay or to make me feel special.
Living out loud means having the courage to be exactly who you are without apology. It means admitting your mistakes without beating yourself up. I was once guity of that myself. Whenever I make mistakes I beat myself up. Until I realised that when I make mistakes God or Cosmic Guidance or Infinite Intelligence always there to guide me. He knows me before I was born. He knows my every move. So when I fall, He knows.
To live out loud means showing up as your authentic self, without your makeup or your toupee.  It means acknowledging your shortcomings and celebrating your strengths.
Living Out Loud means not taking who you are and what you have for granted.  Release all shame!  Release all guilt!  You cannot live out loud if you are hiding behind what was.  Living out loud means focusing on what is, right now, and that is you!
Life is special!  It is a special gift.  This is your life!  Now take your gift and live it out in the open!  Decide today that you are going to live out loud!

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