Monday 8 May 2017

The Creative Power of Confession

Do you know you have the power to create whatever circumstances you want in your life? We can call into being that which we desire! Your PROFESSION is your POSSESSION?

"Words are the most powerful thing in the universe... Words are containers. They contain faith, or fear, and they produce after their kind." - Charles Capps

What God did in Genesis when He said  "Light be!" and, light came into being! is a proof of this power of confession. Before He confessed it, light "was not yet", but once He said it, light sprang into being. "Well, yes," you might say, "but, that was God!" True!
But we have been such authority too. God want us to express that too on earth as gods, (Psalms 82). He want us to "call those things that be not as though they are?" (Romans 4:17). That's God's way of operation. And anyone who is not ready to flow with this tide can not please God - "for without faith no one can please God". Moses will tell you better! God said "speak to the rock,...", "not strike the rock" Numbers 20:7-12.

You are made in God’s image, you can also call those things that are not as though they are! Nature and force in this planet are conditioned to favour you! They have no choice!

"Your words are building blocks of which you construct your life and future". - Charles Capps

Study all the miracles Jesus and the apostles did in the bible. He called forth what He wanted. He taught the disciples same operation. He taught them not to see the way things are in the natural. But to see them the way God meant it to be and called them forth into being.

Let no one deceive you, you are the creator of the circumstances surround your life. Its funny how men blame it on Satan on the time. Anyway, most people  like giving excuses. Satan is Satan to everybody even to Jesus and the apostles, so that is not an excuse.

Many failed because "seen things" - the circumstances they face, the natural things, protocols  - have become so real to some people that they have forgotten about the unseen. So out of defeat, they have to postulate doctrines that expound accepting fate as destiny.
We live in a world of the natural. That's true! We rub shoulders with the physical day after day but the unseen realm shouldn't be unreal to you. Impossibility shouldn't be in your dictionary. Though you may almost be tempted to believe that fate controls the wheel. Fate, luck and suchlike doesn't exist!
Many want God who has provided the food to cook the dinner. Haba! It's illegal for God to do that, because legally, He has handed over to us the authority. He delivered the authority of this earth to man and has never taken it back.

"Man has been an earthly expression of God Himself" - Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo

The authority over all things and to create things is still in the hands of man. At first, Adam turned it over to Satan, but Jesus took it from the devil and gave it back to the believer ("whosoever believeth...") before He ascended to heaven. He said, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore... (Matt. 28:18,19).

So, with this understanding, you believe now that you are an earthly expression of Divinity - God Himself. He lives through you. Then why ignoring the power to command into existence because of unbelief?
How do you speak and claim when there are no treasures in your heart?
Whatever you want to come out of your mouth, you should deposit in your heart! Psalms 119:11 and Joshua 1:8; You should meditate on God's Word! Then, what you have stored in your heart will come out of your mouth... and that word, God's Word, will have the power within itself to cause itself to come to pass!

"The image that the Word creates in you is already a reality in the spirit realm. When you speak God's Word from your heart, then faith gives substance to the promises of God." - Charles Capps

You should use words carefully, as you would power tools! You don't haphazardly use a power tool, or you could get seriously hurt! In the same way, you shouldn't misuse, or take for granted, the power of your words!

So change the way you talk.
See the way God meant it to be, and start calling  them forth. 

You bother yourself too much - "how is this and that going to workout?"

You are gods!

Speak what you want to see happening in your life. 

There is power in your tongue. 

There is power in words spoken because they are keys to unlock the supernatural.

Live out loud!

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Live Out Loud!

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