Tuesday 9 May 2017

Feminine Creative Powers

Where are the Mothers of Nature?
Where are the feminine creative powers?
Those that are familiar with events in history -
- the rise and fall of kingdoms,
- the making and de-making of champions,
- the elevation and depreciation of heroes, etc
know that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. There is always an upthrust generating creative energy from the feminine soul unto anyone that wholeheartedly becomes receptive to her powers and charms.

The power of feminine should not be underestimated. Feminine are not weaker vessels. They are co-creator with the masculine. They are life-carriers because, through them procreation is and will be possible. The power of the continuity of life is in femininity as the ovary of the flowers.
No plants can disentangled selves from the ovary. A lot lies in the ovary!
The problems today in our society are linked to the suppressed of the feminine creative force. Now the feminine folks ain't charges on the atoms of feat.

"Women are no sheep. Women are no fragile showpiece to be placed above the fire-place. Women of the thinking society are the builders of nations. Women of the sentient society are the builders of the world." - Abhijit Naskar

Women are the pilgrims and the parents of this new world, holding the weaving of what is going to be the tapestry of this emerging new world, emerging new story - as expressed by someone. What the world will become lies in the womb and the breasts of femininity. A lot have been heard of men that lost their position in the highway of life just because this force was denounced. How can the positive ions refuse to work with the negative ions? The protons and electrons are constituents of the atom. While many have been forcefully motivated to limelight after lying on the blossom of femininity.

Show me a man who has risen.
Show me a man who has fallen.
Show me a nation that has risen.
Show me a kingdom that has risen and fallen.
Show me a nation that is struggling and I will ask,"where are the Mothers of the future"

Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.

No sex should be sideline.
To females,
no one should be disconnected from her feminine. In fact, I feel that it is an epidemic in today's society, when feminine is suppress.

"A society where feminine beauty is defined not by the human self on genuine intellectual and sentimental grounds, but by a computer software on the grounds of economic interest, is more dead than alive. It is a society of human bodies, not human beings." - Abhijit Naskar

Futurist and visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard explains this phenomenon:

The crisis on Earth is a birth of a more co-creative, co-evolving species, so every woman alive, no matter what her age, whether she chooses to have children or not, has a primary purpose of expressing creativity for the sake of her own mothering self, which she becomes a mother on a planetary scale whatever she does and it feeds back to all the children as a stimulus to their own expression in life..."

We are not teaching our girls to be feminine.

Listen my dear sisters and mothers!
You only fix something, when it’s broken.
And you - are far from broken.
You are whole!
You are perfect, the way you are.
You are beautiful the way you are.
Those who do not accept you the way you are, do not deserve you in their life.
Continuity of life lies in you.
In you lies powers to ignite the desires and feat of masculine.
Do you know when they say, "behind every successful man there is a woman" they are right!
For every unsuccessful man, I ask "what has happen to the creative and pushing powers of that femininity?", "why was it used for the wrong reason?"
Let your powers out!
Let no one suppressed you!
Use it for the right reasons - motivation, support, creation, innovation, and suchlike.
If you do, you will see how the feminine powers can "ginger" a timid masculine into a Warrior, rekindle a hot ashes into flames...

You are the missing rib, spice and spark - for the man and the society!

Good day sisters and mothers!!!

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Live Out Loud!

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