Saturday 17 June 2017

Your own vineyard - Christ-centred life against Service-centred life

You labour tirelessly among the vines (the house of God) as a Chorister, Bishop, Priest, Sunday school teacher, pastor, Apostle, Deacon, Elder, Deaconess, Youth leader, Usher, Protocol, Security, Cleaner, Teacher, Committee member, Father-of-church, Mother-of-church, etc.
You serve as keeper of the vineyards. Maybe you are now retired like many others that are now "retired Most Senior Apostle" or "retired Bishop-of-the-whole-world". Perhaps like some, you have successfully handed over to another keeper, and so on.

"They made me take care of the vineyards; my own vineyard I have neglected - Song of Songs 1:6

Do you know that the one who confesses her neglect in the passage you just read was not neglectful of her duties. She had been made black by the sun as she she was the keeper of the vineyards – but:

She had neglected her own vineyard.

Too often public profession and activity are accompanied by inward neglect and spiritual declension.

How very easy it is to serve the Lord zealously, to be on the job all the time, and yet to neglect our own inner life, our personal communion with the Lord Himself, our study of His Word and our fellowship in the secret place!

Study also the case of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

We may be inclined at times to let our busy lives of service distract us from spending time with Jesus and listening to his word.
Someone wrote: It's significant to note though, that Jesus gently admonished Martha for being "worried and upset," not for serving.
Serving others is a good thing. Service is good, but sitting at Jesus' feet is best.
You must remember what is most important - The condition of your heart.

Good works should flow from a Christ-centered life; they do not produce a Christ-centered life.

Our good works only will never take us to heaven. I am this and that in the vineyards will never take you anywhere, when our attention is shifted from Jesus. You may say how possible? It is possible! Have you check the instrumentalists in Church lately? Some don't flow... Unknowingly to many, they drift away from Christ because they have lost it within.

When we give Jesus the attention he deserves, he empowers us to serve others.
When you as an instrumentalist, chorister, pastor, bishop, wife, husband (because your home also is your vineyard), usher, educator and suchlike give yourself to, and focus on Jesus, He empower you to serve others. He pours His quality on you. You flow ceaselessly and swimmingly!

How easily possible it is for the shoemaker’s boy to be the poorest shod,
How easily possible for the tailor’s son to wear the shabbiest clothes.
How sadly possible it is for the preacher to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ, but to fail to adorn the doctrine in his own personal and private life! – look up Titus 2:10.
This is the danger which is faced by every servant of the Lord.

It is the possibility of neglecting the cultivation of one’s own inner life of communion with the Lord Himself.

Always remember this: you can never lift others above the level of your own spiritual experience; it is, therefore, a very sad, as well as a very solemn thing, to neglect your own spiritual life.

Many people have failed the Lord in this respect?
They have been so zealous in serving the Lord in your church, in your home, or as you have sought to witness for Him in the office or in the open-air meeting.

What about your inner life? Do you need to make the confession: “My own vineyard I have neglected!”? Or are you on track - body, spirit and soul? For many, in their private and personal life thorns have come up everywhere and the ground is covered with weeds…?
Proverbs 24:30-31 - "I went past the field of the sluggard, past the vineyard of the man who lacks judgment; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins.

This is why many Pastors' children are nothing to write home about. What about believers' children that are not believers? How can the children become believers when they are the ones that have to deal with your private life at home?
Well thank God for those that always keep their vineyards and nurse the vines. More Grace!

We all need to avoid the danger of neglecting our own vineyard. We don't have to be too busy with service to neglect His word and our vineyards. We don't have to neglect our growth and righteousness. We don't have to neglect our homes. One thing is certain - If your services outside is not directly proportional or equivalent to what you do in your private there will be trouble!
So, we must take action and apply the remedy - what we prescribe to others - and we must do it immediately and frequently.

Also, you have to put your priorities in check. Many priorities are fleshly or worldly.
Always put devotion to Christ and his word first. Good work in the house of God is good but when the heart in line with His word, it is equivalent to zero!

Your work in the house of God is good but sitting at Jesus feet to listen to his word and keeping your own vineyard is the best!

Beware of the barrenness of a busy life!

Let us beware of the danger of neglecting our own inner life while serving in His vineyard.
Let us live in holy and happy fellowship with the Lord from day to day, and thus become more and more fruitful in His service.
This is it!

Remain blessed!

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Nation Of Grace Ministries

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