Thursday 8 June 2017

Message to Parents (part 1)

The moment a child staggers into life his/her reception is very important.
The way and manner he or she will be handled as a child will determine his or her future.
All these go a long way to dent or polish his/her destiny.

Imagine Jesus, the Christ had a wrong or bad reception at birth. What if Joseph had refused to father the child? It would have been a different story today. Perhaps, an inglorious one! I trust God, He would have created another way!

The questions we need to ask for every child (and our own biological children) are:

What should be his/her reception?
What treatment should he/she be given?
What kind of dedication should be done?
On what altar?
And to whom should it be done?
Who should be his/her handlers?
What parental care should be given?
Who should be his/her instructors or pedagogues and mentors?
What foundation must be layed during his/her tender period?
How/What should he/she be taught to handle him/herself?

Let's take a lesson from the early life of Jesus Christ.

What kind of dedication should be done? On what altar? And, to whom should it be done?

Luke 2:21-24, "And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb. And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons."

What surprised me here is the action of Joseph and Mary. Though they knew Jesus was born of the Spirit, they still have to follow the due process. They strictly adhere to the law.
Many parent today would not have done that. After, those revelations and receptions. They would not go to the temple let alone offering sacrifices.
Some would never go for purification. But, Mary the mother of Jesus did.
Many parents today care less. When they have not given birth to a greater Jesus.
Many "ceremonized" the whole event which have made it to lose it's essence in some lives today.

What altar are you dedicating your children on? And to whom?
A lot of people possesses altars which contradict God's principle. Some have altars of sex, idols, iconic idols, celebrity, sports, alcoholism, materialism, etc.

If Baby Jesus had to be redeemed and dedicated, dedication and purification is very important. If you think otherwise, explain why Jesus had to be baptised by John and fasted 40days in the wilderness? To fulfill all righteousness? If baptism is important, true dedication to God almighty is important too.

Who should be his/her handlers?

Luke 2:25-34, "And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon;...and the Holy Ghost was upon him. Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God,...And Simeon blessed them,..."
Luke 2:36-38,"And there was one Anna, a prophetess,...which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord,..."
2 Samuel 4:4,"And Jonathan, Saul's son, had a son...He was five years old...and his nurse took him up, and fled: and it came to pass, as she made haste to flee, that he fell, and became lame. And his name was Mephibosheth."

The handlers of a child is also very important.
Parents need to be extra prayerful and careful mostly the first 40days of the child or during the period when the top spot of the child's head is still soft and forming.
The way they handled and what they say to the child is a strong factor. But, thank God parents have the power too to decree prayerfully on their children. Well, I only fear for those that don't.

Careless on the part of so many parents has resulted to crash and fail of destinies of their offsprings.
Many parent like Mary and Joseph have lost their adolescent Jesus. Tell, how would a parent not know that a twelve years old boy was not traveling with them? Why did it have to take 1 day before they realise? Luke 2:42-52. To God be the glory he was found in the temple after three days of search.
Many parents are still looking for their adolescent Jesus even after 20years. Many have lost their parental ground in the heart of those little ones.
They see you as the arms of God, but when that sight is lost they seek solace in other gods!

Your children shall not go missing in Jesus name!
The missing I am taking about here also is losing the parentage hold in their lives.
Your children shall not slip out of your care in Jesus name! No even shall snatch them!

A lot of adults today had it the wrong way, but thank God for His redemption and restoration.
Today, we have the chance to make it smooth for these little ones and those yet to be born.
The reception, handling and treatment given to each unborn and born babies have a deep influence on the destiny.
No one can fulfill destiny without being born.
The children of the great, the brave, the feeble, the weak, the rich, the poor all experience the commonality of birth. But, they are never equal.
The differences or inequality we see among children later in their life are as a result of the different manners they were been handled after birth.

To Be Continue!

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Nation Of Grace Ministries

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