Sunday 23 October 2016

To every birth,  there is a Divine Intention and Divine Mission

Good Morning, 

To every birth,  there is a Divine Intention, and a Divine Mission. Everyone is born with an assignment.

Why do you worry? Someone out there made you. Why crack your head over what the Future holds for you? Someone has your plan. He has your blueprint. He knows what you are you do even before your parents were conceived in their mothers' wombs. The good thing about this is that, He want the best for you - all His thoughts toward you are good. Why do you think you are not important? You are more important than you can imagine. 

Are you aware that He knows you will be doing what you are doing today? I don't know you are doing presently, but He knows. Truly, those circumstances are part of the Universal plan.

When we go against the Universal plan, we struggle in life. We are like leaf falling from the parent tree. The air tossed it here and there until it willingly give itself to the force and fall in the proposed spot for it on the floor. Many people rigmarole in life fruitlessly. They end up not fulfilled even if when few still acquire wealth the odd way. They hide their frustration and failures behind those things we humans may regard as success. God can not bless what He has not proposed, why suffer ourselves...

Give in to His plans....allow the process of life freely. Go into it with joy believing your Maker is leading,  and He want the best for you.

Whatever you're doing now, do it with your best. Let Him find you diligently hardworking in the little you are doing.

Give your all to Him and enjoy perfection beyond perfection. Success beyond success.

God bless you today!

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