Monday 15 May 2017

Being Self

If we understood the will and strength of a seed to burst through it's shell and to sprout whatever it's destined intelligence was programmed to be, we would be in awe at the strength of something we consider so small, so insignificant, and perhaps even "unproductive" in the eyes of the world....And yet, this natural intelligence and incredible strength is BEING itself.
As far as I am concerned, BEING self is the utmost important task we have to allow whatever our gifts, contributions, and unique talents are to flourish as they were destined to be.

Your authentic self is the real you that is beyond all of those conditioned beliefs and thinking patterns that you have accumulated throughout your life.

You may be a shy, reclusive, depressed, angry person but the truth is: you may not be yourself. Many have suppressed that true nature of them in order to please others and fit in. Many play roles depending on who they are with, and this shows how much they care about other people's perceptions of them.

It is important to love and accept ourselves for where we are at the moment, not suppressing the true nature in order to please others and to fit in. We need to be identified with Christ only, and His principles.

Never lost touch with your natural self and stuffed it away in a box.
So ask yourself, “How would I act right now if I had no cares of what others thought of me?” And ask yourself since you are Christlike, "How would Christ act right now."
If you go on with that you would realized that who you naturally are without anything else added is perfectly okay. Its the God's life for you! And coupled with the nature of Christ, the best and goodness in you spring forth.

When you realised that you take your being in Christ...When you let go of the old ways of thinking, follow your bliss, and do what you love, you begin to align with happiness and peace. These are all indicators that you are connected with your true nature. You are then allowing your real self to shine forth in all its glory.

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Live Out Loud!

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