Saturday 8 July 2017

Hidden desires

A very Important message!

Something got me thinking lately:

Should humans need deities or fear of eternal punishment to distinguish right from wrong and to do good? (Not that I doubt their existence though!)

Why do you want to follow God?
Why are you following the good path?
Is it because of devil, hell, death, judgement, poverty, fear, etc?

Or let me rephrase my questions.

What if there are no hell fire and Lake of fire (literarily)...
What if there are no condemnations - no judgement of any such...
What if you are told that hell fire, lake of fire and suchlike were falsified details...
What it was proven to you that the devil and all the stories are not real...
What if God decides not to answer prayers and go on vacation...and you get no results anymore...
What if Heaven shut itself on earth, just like those 400years when heaven was silent (between Malachi and Matthew)...
What if you were told that all of these - Christianity and others - were a lie...
What if all hopes were down...all that you have were taken...

Would all ideas and affections for God and "good" still stand?
Would your Christianity still be intact?
Or you would say, " what am I being 'good' for? Nothing to fear, nothing to lose, nothing, nothing, nothing as consequence at the end...waoooo....let's be free! Let's throw morality and Christianity off the car window and drive wild! It my life! I am the commander afterall.

I bet you, the world today would go gaga! There would be jubilation, even from the very saintly elects.

Why am I writing this?

A lot of people, if not all have hidden forbidden desires. These desires maybe sexual, material/materialistic, egoistical, greedy, etc.
But there is a restrain.
They would loved to let them all out but...
The but is not because of the love for their Creator.
The but is because of the fear of the consequences, if they do not choose good.

These desires are buried deep into the core of the heart.
No one shows it! They don't because consciously to them those desires don't exist but they do unconsciously.
The facts still stand: human are pretentious being.
They would loved to explore those desires if given the chance.
They would love to explore if they can get any aorta of justification from the bible based on their interpretation.

Be careful here!
That justification you with get if you look for it!

That is the strongest weapon of the devil.
He searches your heart and get you to let out those hidden forbidden desires -  those you would love to explore. He gives you reason. He proves to you that there is no hell, no lake of fire, no consequences, no devil, Christianity is a lie, self realization and gratification is the real deal, no death, no God, etc. You get the contradicting pictures and ideas of what hold your faith, and since the faith and love for God was tied to that idea in the first place, it crash and fail. And in that process, you see reasons to explore those hidden forbidden desires of yours and in the end, you fall.

The funny part: we blame him (yes, he brought out that desire to the surface) but the sins are on us for keeping and acting on them. We are found guilt in the long run!

I don't know what lessons the Holy Spirit has taught you today, but I want to let you know that:

Our love for God needs to be genuine!

Remember Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego.
Even when they were given into slavery because of the sin of Israel (not them), they stood for God in a strange land.
They said, "even if our God do not deliver us from you, o King, we will not bow down to your god!"

That implies many things:
even if God decides not to act as God,
even if God do not exist,
even if your god is superior to ours,
even if the king is a god, and so on....

Is your love for God like that too?

Many would have abandoned their faith just because God punished them along with other Israelites.
Many would have had grudges - "God should have gotten those that erred against Him and punished them only" "why include us?" "it isn't fair"

Our love for Him and good acts shouldn't be fueled by any other factor. Which means we have to banish all hidden forbidden desires. Our desire should be pure.
Our desire should be to love Him as our first love from the core of our heart.
God doesn't want you to love Him any other way. He want it to be from your very heart volitionally. Not as a result of one gifts or fear.
He loved us for no just cause and want us to love Him for no other reason beside His love for us.

So that when our love is tested, it can truly stand!
So that when we are in the position of Job, we will not fall.
So that when we are faced with some ideologies, hypothesis, doctrines, beliefs, discoveries and inventions of this world we will not fall.

Remember Christ said, "the love of many shall waxed cold...and many shall be lovers of things of this world rather than of God...false prophets and teachers shall rise... even the very elects shall be deceived"

Banish those hidden forbidden desires of yours!
Don't let the devil find you out!

Let your connection with God be based on pure love and affection with no swing attached!

Be aware and beware!!!

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Nation Of Grace Ministries

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