Sunday 21 January 2018

Save With Amazing Grace - SWAG!

Our righteousness does not come from following the laws.
Those period of the laws limited us. We were never righteous before God. Everyday we still have to ask for forgiveness, keep keen watch as we follow the laws so as not to err and regrettably, we do err.

In the above passage, Philippians 3:9,' righteousness does not come from following the law...'

Following the laws makes it our righteousness because it becomes your duty and handwork to be save. You are the one working out your salvation by ensuring you don't err so as to earn salvation for that day. Then the next day you start all over again, even with fear that you may have erred against Him.
This was really difficult. Thank God for what Christ did on the cross. If not?!

Philippians 3:9,' comes from God through faith. God uses my faith in Christ to make me right with him.'

The righteousness that we have now is from God - His righteousness!
It is not our handwork or making but it comes from our faith in Christ.
You just have to believe in Christ and you are saved from sin and death.
Christ has paid it all - everything!
The sins of the world has been paid for on the cross. It has been cleanse and purged out from mankind. When God sees mankind he sees His son!
Mankind is forgiven already even when we don't love God or we did not realize that we have been saved. God saved us.

But, many people don't know this!
That is why they are still of the world. They don't know that God do not see them as sinners again.
The problem they have now is their faith.

What God did is like someone paying for all commodities you and I will purchase from a particular supermarket for an entire year or a lifetime. Imagine if some persons don't believe though they were told. They won't enjoy the benefit even though their names were included in the list.
They will still be going through the stress of saving money at home to purchase a commodity which have been paid for already. They won't be frequent at the supermarket unlike others who believed and have accepted it!

The world don't know.
Some factor are responsible:
1) they still carry guilt inside of them.
2) they still look at the law because they feel following the laws will please God and give them salvation. By doing so, they struggle and keeps falling and rising daily.
3) they are ignorant and ignorance is not an excuse.
4) they are afraid of the christian race because their mindset has been dented by the erroneous teachings of men.

To those who have not accepts Christ,

Go to that supermarket, God's delight.
You are not under the bondage of sin, curses and death any more. You are the Temple of God.
You did not pay for this.
This is GRACE!

To those that have accepted Christ!

Please tell others about the act of God's love, don't condemn anyone because Christ didn't condemned. Christ has paid the ransom for their souls.

Remember Acts 10:15-6, 'The voice spoke to him (Peter) a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” '

We still need to remind them daily. Their master cards have been processed already and made active. They are yet to use it. They have been saved.
All what the devil does is to take their eyes off this and make them feel they are not; in the same vein they feel becoming born again is difficult!

Tell them God loves them!


Happy weekend!
Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Live Out Loud

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