Sunday 6 November 2016

Day 3 - Discover Your Purpose

by Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo

"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously," - Steve Maraboli
Before I commence on this, I would like you to read this:
"I said to myself, “Have fun and enjoy yourself!” But this didn’t make sense. Laughing and having fun is crazy. What good does it do? I wanted to find out what was best for us during the short time we have on this earth. So I decided to make myself happy with wine and find out what it means to be foolish, without really being foolish myself. I did some great things. I built houses and planted vineyards.I had flower gardens and orchards full of fruit trees. And I had pools where I could get water for the trees. I owned slaves, and their sons and daughters became my slaves. I had more sheep and goats than anyone who had ever lived in Jerusalem. Foreign rulers brought me silver, gold, and precious treasures. Men and women sang for me, and I had many wives who gave me great pleasure. I was the most famous person who had ever lived in Jerusalem, and I was very wise. I got whatever I wanted and did whatever made me happy. But most of all, I enjoyed my work. Then I thought about everything I had done, including the hard work, and it was simply chasing the wind. Nothing on earth is worth the trouble. I asked myself, "What can the next king do that I haven't done?" Then I decided to compare wisdom with foolishness and stupidity. And I discovered that wisdom is better than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness. Wisdom is like having two good eyes; foolishness leaves you in the dark. But wise or foolish, we all end up the same. Finally, I said to myself, “Being wise got me nowhere! The same thing will happen to me that happens to fools. Nothing makes sense. Wise or foolish, we all die and are soon forgotten.” This made me hate life. Everything we do is painful; it’s just as senseless as chasing the wind. Suddenly I realized that others would someday get everything I had worked for so hard, then I started hating it all. Who knows if those people will be sensible or stupid? Either way, they will own everything I have earned by hard work and wisdom. It doesn’t make sense. I thought about all my hard work, and I felt depressed. When we use our wisdom, knowledge, and skill to get what we own, why do we have to leave it to someone who didn’t work for it? This is senseless and wrong. What do we really gain from all of our hard work? Our bodies ache during the day, and work is torture. Then at night our thoughts are troubled. It just doesn’t make sense. The best thing we can do is to enjoy eating, drinking, and working. I believe these are God’s gifts to us, and no one enjoys eating and living more than I do. If we please God, he will make us wise, understanding, and happy. But if we sin, God will make us struggle for a living, then he will give all we own to someone who pleases him.This makes no more sense than chasing the wind."
Hmm. That was from the wealthiest and wisest man that have ever lived - King Solomon - Ecclesiastes 2Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Why was I created? Why am I here? Why was I born into that family, community, country or condition I find myself. These and many more are questions that one time or the other do flood your ignorant minds. For some the questions become: why not that for me?  Why not this for me? Why wasn't I born into a wealthy family? In the state you begin to lose connection with your very self and sink into the swamp of self limitation and defeat.

I read a story about a hammer.
This hammer was created to do one thing - to hit nails. Naturally that was it's design. The hammer was never used. It just sat in the toolbox. The hammer didn't care. It sat there with perfoming that which makes it happy. Days mounted into years and it remained in the toolbox. He felt funny inside, but he's not sure exactly why. He felt something was missing, but he didn't know what it was.
Then one day someone pulled him out of the toolbox and used him to break some branches of trees. The hammer was exhilarated. Now he was being held - being wielded. The hammer loved it. He have for sometime not expressed himself and, used to hited the branches to it was okay. At the end of the day, though, he was still unfulfilled. It was fun, but it wasn't enough. Something was still missing. It still felt emptiness within.
Days after days, the hammer was used often. But, he was used to reshape objects, break some rock, and beat some metals. Inspite of all that, he was left unfulfilled. He longed for more action thinking it would fill the vacuum in him. So he chose to be used as much as possible to knock things around, to break things, to blast things, to dent things and destroy things. In as much as he had enough of these events to 'satisfy' him, it never was the solution to his lack of fulfillment.
Then one day, someone used him on a nail. Suddenly, the soul of the hammer was lighted. He now understood what he was truly designed for. He was meant to hit nails. All the other things he hit pale in comparison. Now he realised what his soul was searching for.
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well," - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Many people like the hammer at first, searched for the purpose of life. Why was I born? Why was I made? Why was I designed this way? People hope that their lives have meaning. Many of us keep ourselves so busy between work, chores, leisure and religious activities thinking it will bring in fulfillment.
"The human race is a monotonous affair. Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains so fills them with fear that they seek out any and every means to be rid of it," - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Many have attempted the pursuits of money, material success, career success etc, in their attempt to find true purpose in life. But still found nothing. A wealthy and wise King in particular experimented with all these things and more, and still came to a disconcerting conclusion:

“Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, for my heart rejoiced in all my labor; and this was my reward from all my labor. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:10-11).
In Ecclesiastes 2, Solomon reflected upon his tragic experiences in attempting to draw satisfaction purely out of pleasure. He pursued fulfillment through pleasure, wine, great works, wealth, aesthetic and artistic pleasures, and fame. Yet all of these failed to bring a lasting satisfaction to the wisest man of all time. And yet people are still trying them in search of enduring fulfillment. Too bad.
Someone wrote:
"God had given King Solomon great wealth and great wisdom. His experiments in seeking purpose in life were not half-hearted! And he did find some satisfaction in the things he tried. But he, like the rest of us in quiet moments of reflection, still wondered, Is this all there is? Are these physical and temporary things really why I was born? It is all so fleeting and temporary—like trying to catch the wind."
 So if all the money in the world can’t buy a meaningful life or give us its purpose, then what can?

Sadly, there is really little time to think deep thoughts about the meaning of life. More often a feeling of emptiness nagged your minds. Making you feel that there is something missing. Granted, there must be a purpose for your life. There should be something you were meant to be or accomplish. What is that? So what is the purpose of life - of your life?

Now the big question: WHAT'S MY PURPOSE IN LIFE?
It’s the most important philosophical question; yet at the same time, it is deeply practical. Knowing your purpose gives direction to our lives.
A life full of purpose is a life of vitality, excitement and ultimately success.
I know you are expecting me to write out steps like:
Know your dreams,
Find you talents,
Know your passions,
Decide what gives you the most joy and fulfillment. Is it helping the elderly or teaching a child to learn? Is it music, art or sports? Is it reading, writing, or meditating? Is it negotiating the deal? Discover what gets your blood going. It is something that you almost crave. What is that thing that you might be willing to gamble everything you have to do, to be, or to experience? There's much more than all that.
Wise King Solomon have tried all of that and was still empty. Why should you?
Don't get me wrong those steps aren't bad. It will only lead to guessing games or "try your luck". But in the end it will be meaningless. 
So you shouldn't cut the yam from the middle. Let's face the reality.
Who have those steps helped? Many writers will bring their own version and outline but they help no one.
Do you know why? 
We are uniquely made. My path is not your path.
This is also far beyond looking for a prophet, seer or socerer for explanation. They don't know themselves how much more you. What can they see? They are also in search of the missing spark of their lives.
It's for you only to find.
Only you can discover it within, and with the help of the maker Himself.

A manufacturer determine the purpose of a technological product. He know the capacity or capabilities or usefulness of the device he produced. He includes with it a manual or brochure or an instruction leaflet, to inform all of the purpose of the device and many more. 
That manufacturer is God, our Creator, our Maker.
"Thus saith the Lord that made thee, and formed thee from the womb..." Isaiah 44 : 2
He made us in His image and likeness as stated in the book of Genesis - without that single information, we would have been in total confusion and darkness of our origin - though many in such states have consoled themselves with Evolution. Thank God for that piece but great information. We now know our origin. And if we do, then we can find our purpose.
"...everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16b (Msg)
Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but those that have accepted the ideas that the purpose of life is to find "others", have ended up with emptiness. Ask King Solomon. 
"I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit." - Ecclesiastes 1:14
When you keep God out, you become lost.
How can Television think it can perform the functions of a hammer?
How can a bag perform the functions of a cloth?
How can a drug meant for malaria cure measles?
It only will lead to a meaningless venture. You try to find fulfillment in something other than God. Do you know yiu can never get enough of those things you thought bring fulfilment? You keep longing for more, more and more, until you wear out. The problem - you can never be ultimately satisfied. The end point is vanity.Until you adhere to the instructions of the maker, you can not get result. You will continue to rigmarole aimlessly. That won't be your portion.
"This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment? To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God". - Ecclesiastes 2:25-26.
Until you come to know God, you've had many wonderful experiences, but you haven't hit a nail. You've been used for some noble purposes, but not the one you were ultimately designed for, not the one through which you will find the most fulfillment. He owns the blueprint. He is the Maker. So your purpose can be found in Him only. Like the hammer, you don't realize what will end the emptiness, the lack of fulfillment, in your life.
Even in the midst of a Nazi prison camp, Corri Ten Boom found God to be wholly satisfying: "The foundation of our happiness was that we knew ourselves hidden with Christ in God. We could have faith in God's love...our Rock who is stronger than the deepest darkness."

Your greatest desire should be to know God, to have a relationship with God. Why? - if you may ask - He knows you better. He is the Potter. He owns the design. So why wondering in vanity when He can tell you all you need to know about yourself. God is the ultimate. 
The more we get to know our Creator and the more we love Him (Matthew 22:37–38), the better we understand who we are and what our purpose is. We were created to bring Him glory. God has unique plans and purposes for each person (Psalm 139:13–16), but we can know that, whatever those plans look like, they will ultimately result in His glory (Proverbs 3:6; 1 Corinthians 10:31). If you must know - or perhaps you have heard it from many speakers - YOU have a defined purpose. YOU are uniquely made for a reason. Each of us too. Each of us has a purpose in life. We are here to give our quotation to this world. And that quota of ours is very important irrespective of the size or where we are from. God has made us for something.
"But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." - Exodus 9:16
That was God speaking to Pharaoh who mistakenly thought that he was in control. Just imagine. Even Pharaoh has a purpose, a role to play in God's plan. However, God put him in the place of being an Egyptian leader for His purpose. This shows that God has a purpose for everyone - including those who resist Him. He is the Giver of purpose in every life whether they live for Him or not. That is a fact.
Do you know:
  • God works through all situations to fulfill His purpose. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).
  • God’s purpose can’t be undone. "I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted" (Job 42:2).
  • God’s purpose is the one that lasts.Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails" (Proverbs 19:21).
  • The Lord and His purposes are perfect, but we are not.
"Don't work to live, live to work." - Apostle Julius Ikhide - Iyke Etaifo
The wonderful purpose God has for your lives goes beyond our physical bodies and your temporary lives. God offers human beings the chance to prepare now to have a purposeful, meaningful life—forever!
When you know God who is your only source of purpose, who is our creator, then you can know how to:
Discover your passions
Learn to use your talents, resources, abilities and passions to determine your purpose.
Discover how to use assets to fulfill destiny and to be the solution to a need or the salvation of a soul, community or a nation. And lots more.

Only the manufacturer knows:
How a product was designed
What it was designed with
What it was designed for
Why it was designed
How it would be use effectively and efficiently
How it would be maintained or cared for longevity
What needs to be avoided
What is it strengths and weaknesses, etc. 
Too bad, you don't bother to enquire from the Creator Himself. Everything is written in His book - the Bible - the manual! Nothing is hidden from man by God.
Pray regularly - communicate with your Father.
Explore in your own Bible your amazing purpose of your life!

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