Sunday 23 October 2016

Day 2 - Learn to love yourself

Learn to love yourself
How was the first topic? You now understand that LIFE is a journey not a destination.
Today, our second lesson on our to live life to the fullest:
Day 2
Learn to love yourself
There is a statement rather a command made by Jesus, "love your neighbours as you love yourself."  How can we live life without Love? And how can we love others when we don't love ourselves? Jesus was correct. That's truly the second commandment. In life it is very essential. It's sad to know that many do not know how to love themselves.
All too often, we spend a lot of time looking at what we don’t like about ourselves, when there are billions of reasons why we should have like. What we’d like to change, when most of those things are unique designs - they are we. What we think should be different - forgetting that no one is alike in this world. Our life will be in frustration as a rat running in circles, we learn to focus on things about ourselves that we don't like. Pending all your time focused on what you don’t like or what happened in your past means that you aren’t able to focus on your future. One will keep running in a circle, no progress.

"Many people find it easier to love others than to love ourselves" claimed by some writers. The truth still stand, we can't love others so well when we don't love ourselves. We can't give what we don't have. Those that do, most times are truly quite awful to themselves. 
We subject ourselves to a harsh inner critic, unhealthy connection with ourselves, and self-mutilation. We are caged in our own perceived inadequacies.
But regardless of the reasons for your lack of self-love, it’s time to start caring for yourself and treating yourself with the love you deserve. We can't live life to the fullest if we do not love ourselves. How can we enjoy our relationship with people if we don't love? How can we achieve success, greatness in life when we don't love ourselves. Our very self deserved to be love by us. Someone said: "we are our problem and solutions.
How do we love ourselves. In what way can we do this simple important task?
Read on:
It’s impossible to love yourself if you don’t even know who you are. Who are you? A tough question? But it will take one who have successfully search deep within to answer that.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Others aren’t better or worse, more or less than you; They’re just different. If people tell you their weaknesses or flaws you will marvel. So why admiring others and condemning yourself. You have value just as you are and accepting yourself means there’s no need for comparisons.

Are you busy, busy busy? It’s time to slow down and allow your body and mind to rest. Allow yourself down time. You don’t have to do it all. Prioritize what matters most. All what you need is REST. Rest is a basic form of self-care. You can be drained and without knowing you lose yourself to others distractions and end up in the sea of frustration because we fail truly to know and be ourselves. Just a little rest can do.

We all have numerous, tremendous gifts, but many of them go unused. Know and use your strengths, gifts, talents, skills or potential. When we focus on our weaknesses we lose completely. We don't need to crave for items we don't have. Glorify what you have and people will join you. When you’re busy, distracted or focused on negativities it’s hard to access these great qualities of yours.
Focusing on your strengths will increase your positive feelings for yourself. There is no other way than this. Have you ever wonder why you are so closely attached or why you so love your friend that you don't notice or regard his or her weaknesses? Do you know the moment you start thinking of that weaknesses or flaws of your friends that friendship will crash? A single thought will start up the flame of separation. But, we are so happy with that person.
So focus on your strengths. Make a list of your strengths. What are you good at? These can be lofty achievements, such as inventing a new technology, or “everyday” skills, such as being friendly to others. Paying attention to what your strengths are can help you continue to develop them without focusing on yourself as a “failure.” Practice gratitude. Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to focus on the good in yourself and in your life. Try identifying 3 things, talents, gifts or skills you’re grateful for when you wake up every morning.

Do you know that when you surround yourself with people who treat you with kindness and respect, you love and value yourself? Who you spend time with reflects how you feel about yourself. People who feel worthy surround themselves with positive people. Sometimes loving yourself means you have to end relationships with abusive or unkind people. Learn to walk away from people that threatened you self worth and peace.

Are you honest with yourself? Do you accept your total self. Or you role playing, pretending and lying? Honesty is key in all relationships and your relationship with yourself is not exempted. Many of us are so good at self-deception that we don’t even know we’re doing it. We try to suppress who we are and showcase what we think we should be. Of a truth my friend, you can’t love your entire self - your messes, flaws, the good, bad and terrible - if you’re lying? Think deeply friend? Someone wrote: True self-love means taking responsibility and accountability. People don't want to accept themselves for who they are. I am black - accept and glorified it. I am fat - accept it. There is a reason why you are who you are. Use it positively and people will glorify you not knowing it was your weakness.
Paying attention to what your strengths are can help you continue to develop them without focusing on yourself as a “failure.” - Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
How can you love yourself when you are hard on yourself? Friends, let yourself off the hook for your mistakes and imperfections. Being hard on yourself diminishes your values, and diminished values results to to crash. No one is hard on you, I believe you’re probably harder on yourself than anybody else. Free yourself! Let go of yourself! Embrace your humanness. Mistakes are normal. Failures are steps. Imperfections are part of what makes you you. If I ask you, "who are you?" what will be your responses? You are "everything".That makes us beautiful. God knows you ain't perfect. Relax and live free.

How can you love a friend when you hold grudges against him or her? Sometimes we’re holding onto bigger regrets or transgressions against our very selves. Work on forgiving yourself. Someone said, "Self-forgiveness is a process of bit by bit believing you truly did the best you could." All that happened in the past are all in the past. You did your best. Accept it and move on. It's an error to live on it. You will only be dragging yourself back. You will continue to hate yourself for it. Have this in mind, today you could do better. Take note: it’s completely unfair to judge your past self with the knowledge you have now. Someone said: "when we know better we do better."
Love yourself, forgive yourself, be true to yourself.

Make a conscious decision to learn to love yourself, just as you are.
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationships you have. Learn to love yourself first instead of loving the ideas of other of people loving you. There is no way to be happy in life beside this. Less nonsence you tolerate when you love yourself. You are the one person that you'll always be with, the person who will be there in thick and thin. The person who knows you best. Your relationship with yourself is the most important and longest relationship you'll ever have. I hope you you'll spend some time leaving to love yourself more.

Stand up for yourself.
Live your life out!
@ Live Out Loud - Official

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