Saturday 26 November 2016

Day 5: Don't Let Jealous And Envious Ruin You

Generally speaking, people are jealous creatures. There’s simply no denying it.
Jealousy is a human emotion that affects all of us at one point or another. Moreso, we as human being are selfish individuals who are often ruled by their feelings. Every action we engage in has some selfish motive and is never 100% altruistic. Jealousy ties into this because we can't stand to see someone happy unless it is with us. Complete selfishness.

Jealousy and envy are emotions that everyone experiences from time to time (whether it be in the context of friendships, romance or work), but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to deal with these feelings. It can affect your living life to the fullest. Fortunately, there are ways to keep them from affecting your life — and the first step is understanding how they differ.

Most people use the words “jealousy” and “envy” interchangeably. They are truly two distinct emotions.
Jealousy is resentment of a rival or a person who had been more successful than they and is competing with their own affections for that thing or person. 
Envy, on the other hand, is the emotion solicited when somebody has something that you want for yourself. Its an anger turned inward for serving that someone has that they don't have but wished to have. Those things are like status, possessions, power, money, etc.
The Other Side Of Jealousy can be positive. Are you surprise?
Jealousy can ruin your peace. But you can learn - it can also be a signal to you that it's time to make a change. Rather than letting jealousy infect your relationship with others, use its appearance as a reason to better understand yourself. If you are having to deal with the jealousy of others, draw clear boundaries and protect yourself.

The fact still stand, don’t be jealous. Not because its morally wrong, but because jealousy is a destructive emotion. Its also a symptom that you’re not living your life to the fullest – people who are fulfilled can celebrate other people’s success. People who aren’t fulfilled fill up their emotional void through negative emotions. They settle for failure and coat it with jealousy. They become sad because of something they thought it should theirs.
If you will let jealousy get hold of you, then all you will have in mind is how to insult someone and prove your superiority, how to speak down on someone and these drag you back.
These two feeling always make an individual ugly and a failure.
They won't get you far in life because you always be discontented with what you have.
These feeling always place the individual in bondage under the person they are been jealous of. You tend to be tied down in life because y out can't live your own life. John have this I don't have. Janet own this I don't own. It should have been me not Oluchi.
All those are negative feelings it will only make you abandone the jewel you have.
Jealous and envious people always admire the steel in the hands of someone neglecting the diamonds in their possessions.
Being jealous or envious, you are counting other people blessings instead of yours and you end up believing nothing good has happened to you except ill luck.
That man's path is not your path. What he have will not be what you will have. Just as the thumbprint is not the same so is the path. But many have fail to realised that and killed themselves with jealousy and envy. And when you are, those good things flew from you. Negative can not beget positive.
Do you know that a negative attitude towards others can never bring you success? 
I heard a story of a woman who was always complaining about all that she don't have that one of her neighbour - a wealthy woman - possessed. She have accused God of impartiality. One night as she sleeps, an angel appear to her and showed her many Bags. She asked, "what are these bags for?"
The angel replied, "all these bags and luggage are bags of burden accrued to everyone on earth. These are all the bag of pains they are going through." She was surprised when she saw how big her own was, "can't you see how big my burdens are? God is unfair." She lifted it and added,"I said so, my burden is heavy"
She demanded to see her neighbor's Bag.
She shouted," it's small. Life is not fair. See how small her burden is and mine very large."
The angel added, "I know you admire her. You are looking at the outward appearance alone."
"there is nothing to be said about this that I will believe."
The angel added, "okay, you shall drop yours and carry hers from now on."
As she gladly carry the wealthy woman's small load, she screamed in pain. "Jesus this burden is too heavy! How certain it's so heavy but it's smaller than my bag?"
The angel told her to loosen and look inside. She screamed again and demanded for her own bag back. What she saw that are contain that bag were completely Contrary to what she expected. She never expected that woman to be going through pains - far greater than hers. From that moment on she started appreciating God for everything in her life.
It is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self-worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has. 
Instead of allowing jealousy and envy destroy you,
Appreciate what you have. The person you are admiring is also admiring you. That man or woman, you wished you were, is out there in secrecy wishing she had what you have.

Jealousy has made many people lost themselves and become frustrated in life.

Admire others and make them your mirrors to show you that it is possible.

Don't compare your inside to someone else's outside! The reason people struggle with insecurity is because they compare their ''behind the scenes'' with everyone else highlight. They compare their private lives to other people's public lives. They forget  that another person's LIMELIGHT can be my DARK SIDE. We all slip into this envy state every now and then. It happens at every level of ''success'' and every stage of living. We just don't know what's really going on in the world of others; There is a lot that man or woman you are envying is hiding behind the cloth. so instead of comparing,

You need to remember to steer the course of your own life. Instead of looking at someone path or life, focus on yours and make it greatly admired. Do not lose your life because of the Pains of not having something that someone have.
Compare yourself to yourself. That is the best comparison.  

Enjoy your life!!!!!

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