Monday 12 December 2016

Everyone you meet in life has something valuable to teach

      Everyone you meet in life has something valuable to teach.
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Every person that you meet serves a purpose in your life. Sometimes, the reason is not apparent but if you have enough wisdom and you’re open minded, you will find out soon enough what it is. You have a lot to learn from them. Even the dullest of them all still have something to teach you.
“My experience is that the teachers we need most are the people we’re living with right now.” - Byron Katie
When someone is in your life, nature brought you close for a reason, for the season and suchlike. They are destined to meet you. Your meeting is usually to meet a need you or them have expressed although it may not be obvious to you sometimes. When you open your heart, when you figure out which one it is, you will know what to grabbed and grow in life. That is wisdom! Most businessmen and women will attest to that. The wise picked from others to grow. Inventions takes their inspirations and designs from nature. Humans - good, bad and the terrible - have alot more to learn from one other. We are blessings and life's lesson to each other. We have as much to learn from each other. Specifically, when you see a trait that you perceive to be negative traits in others, see it as opportunities to develop patience or kindness toward them. To me, I see it as a struggle they are going through, and if I can be patient or kind, then that helps them. It also helps me. It teaches you, to embody those positive traits or qualities eve when you don't feel like it. If a colleague, friend, or acquaintance is abrasive or aggressive, you try to extend loving thoughts to them. As for me, I think about what it’s like to be in their shoes and how I can lead by example by being kind to them. I breathe in their perceived negativity and breathe out positivity. I tell myself, this is your opportunity to practice. So I practice. How well can I say, I am good if I have not practice my goodness in the midst of negativity? Can someone say, "I can really manage resources, when he or she have not experience inadequacy or lack?"
"Everyone will teach you something about yourself. Both positive and negative relationships teach you valuable lessons. This is an incredible step toward expanding your consciousness. The road to self-discovery requires help from others. As humans we are always seeking feedback and approval from others. That is how we learn and become better as individuals. No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones. Appreciate everyone that enters your life because they are contributing to your growth and happiness." - John Geiger
Every individual you meet have come to assist you through a difficulty, you may not understand this but it's the truth. Sometimes they come into your life, and answer questions you never really knew you had, like messages coming to you, signs, they may not even stick around but when they do leave, something wonderful has happened. They are here to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend and they are! Even the devil too. They are there for the reason you need them to be. They teach you things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. They may teach you something you have never done. Also they usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy ( or pain to value and manage joy when it comes). There is an adage that says, "it is the taste of the bitter leaves that tells us how sweet the pumpkin leaves are". Believe it! It is real! Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
The people you meet may be the ones God knows can be of help to you or, you can help them along their path. It may or may not be now may but soon you will know why. This is happening to me now. I believe every single person I have met on here, was guided to me by God. I know the reason for it, he has guided me to the message several ways. Everyone is an Angel. It depends on the side of that person you are looking at. If you choose to look at their bad sides, bad sides you receive you and miss out of their goodness.
"There is goodness in every individual, even the devil. Why did God choose to let him live?" - Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo
Sometimes God allow evil doers in your lives. God sends them strong delusions, to see whether they believe the lie or the truth. He does this so (as Jesus says) he knows who to condemn. These evil doers are life lessons that God wants us to learn and guides us to the next path of his abundance and power. Don't complain again. Live and learn and grow. They may learn from you and move on or choose the evil way.
"In life, you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet. Some will test you. Some will use you. Some will love you and some will teach you. But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in you. They are the rare and amazing people who remind you why it's worth it." - Unknown Author

The mistakes of people is trying to treat people otherwise. Do not forget, treat people only with Love. Whether that person is unpleasant, try not to look at the bad and try to understand. Sometimes they may be hard because God want you to grow up. Sometimes they act up to force you to take a stand, pleasantly or unpleasantly. What you must realize is that your need has been met, your desire fulfilled, their work is done. Your need has been answered, and now it is time to move on.
If that person is nice and good to me, consider that a plus. Anyhow, try to love any individual whether they have been pleasant or unpleasant. It may surprise you that your the lesson or knowledge that will take you to your greatness aye learned from that unpleasant individual. He or she may hold that key that answer a particular question or that stepping stone to your success. 

In life, knowledge is not monopolized in one man. Also, no one is an island of himself.
To live life to the fullest, you have to learn from everything and everyone so that you can move to the next level and be able to handle issues ahead of you. Even those who have hurt you or caused you pain play an important role in the course of events in your life. While good people give you happiness and wonderful memories, the bad ones will teach you lifelong lessons and give you the experience you need to become a better person. How can you learn to handle hate if you haven't meet people who hate? How can you learn to be accomodative if you havent met with people that are terrible to be with? The experiences are useful, believe me! You don't know where the wind of life will blow you to and to whom.
So don’t ever regret having known someone in your life.
Every meeting has its own impact in a person's life. Whosoever the person may be - your boss, subordinates, colleague, classmates, peers, friends, family relations etc. It can be good or bad, that's a different issue. The important point is that a person learns a lesson from every man he/she meets in life. Even bad experience helps you to be cautious in the future while good ones are always motivating. I invariably consider it to be destined. Through this cycle of meeting various people in life, God imparts a valuable lesson which helps you to understand your life better and accordingly you can further bring in positive changes in your live. Instead of looking at how to deal with qualities in others that you perceive negatively, look at how to embrace their positivities so that y out can gradually start to embody them more yourself. Strive to follow the many positive examples other set.
And this is how we teach on another - by seeing the best in each other and bringing out the best in each other.
We are all on equal footing, human and imperfect.
Let’s live
Love and
Grow together.
Live out loud!!!

By Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo

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