Monday 19 December 2016

Banish fears from you

"I can't do it, what if something happen?"
"what if I die?"
"I am afraid, I don't know what the future hold for me"
"What if I am made to stand before people to sing?"
"There is somebody watching me"
"Boogie man is coming"
"what if I make the wrong decision?"
"what if I don't make it?"
These and many more are some of the expressions we make when we get to our crossroads. Fear, fear, fear. One of man's greatest, if not the greatest enemy.

Someone wrote: Fear is the mind wandering into the unknown and leaning toward the worst of whatever that unknown could be.
Often you wonder what’s on the other side of that decision, or crossroads, or on the other side of your life at present. While wondering, two sides (better and worst) flash into your heart and, because you don’t know what lies ahead, fears step in. It gives you no option but to focus on the worst possible outcome. As a result of its present you are held back instead of moving forward. Well, what may lie ahead of that decision of yours might be good but fear holds you down.
Fear cripples you with that treacherous feeling in the pit of your heart. It comes out of no where and stops you in your tracks. You wonder why you’re not moving forward. You wonder why others are living out loud or living the dream but you aren't. You make excuses like "I don't want to risk my life", "there was not enough capital that's why I back out", etc and blame circumstances or luck for the outcome of your life. You refuse to acknowledge what’s stopping you.
You can’t see what's stopping you, you can't smell it or put a hand on it. That's why many religious fellow will call it one spiritual name or evil factor. Of a truth, its an invisible force powerful enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone who yields to it. None can do that except fear and you can’t do anything until you face it and conquer it.
Fear can hold you back in your career, your relationships, and in achieving your dreams, from success and eventually from living the life you want. Fear can stop you in your track.
You are afraid to act on opportunity, because you are uncertain; you are blinded of the path ahead. If you don't crush it, it will crush you and later you'll blame it on bad luck or devil. If you want to live out loud, you have to banish all fears and truly live. You may not do things or say what’s on our minds for fear of what other people may think. You don’t get into that marriage or relationship for fear of failure or suchlike. Some won’t even attempt to date for fear of rejection. Some won't grow up for fear of change. What is it about fear that grips us so?
Someone wrote: Fear is over thinking what may happen and what could happen. The reality in fear is the unknown over-exaggerated in our minds. It’s the enemy, because most things we fear never happen. We just imagine what it would be like if it did. Sometimes that keeps us from accomplishing a great thing had we not feared it.
Some people are used to be afraid of dogs. They see a big dog and start sweating or take to their heels. Be it big or small dog. What ran through their minds at the sight of dog is "what if this dog bites me?" "Dogs are dangerous." It happens to me too. Not only with dog, with height also. The truth is, most of the dogs I encountered didn’t even know I existed but I shrieked in fear of them. That’s what fear does. It makes a situation that doesn’t exist — come alive in our minds. These dogs and many other things you fear aren’t concern about you but still have power over you. It's the power you gave it in your mind. Fear only has the power we give it. For a very long time I have flew at very sight of a dog but when I understood fear, I walked right by dogs and stuff I feared with no problem.
Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear. - George Addair
Let's look (in summary) at the top fears that hold people back and identify which fears presently are our enemies.
1. The Fear of Rejection - Many people avoid entering into new relationships or trying to meet new people due to a fear of rejection. Even married people often avoid approaching a long-time spouse to ask for something due to a fear that the person will say no. Whether you’ve got a fear of your boss declining your request for a raise, or a fear that the attractive person won’t go on a date with you, don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back and do it anyway.
2. The Fear of Failure - One of the top fears in the world is a fear of failure. Many people won’t try something new unless they’re confident they can win. Failure is a normal part of life and learning from failure can help you find eventual success.
3. The Fear of Uncertainty - The fear of uncertainty often prevents people from trying something different. They often worry, “What if I don’t like it?” This fear can prevent people from trying new things or doing things differently from the way they’ve always been done.
4. The Fear of Loneliness - Sometimes people stay in bad relationships or resist living alone due to their fear of loneliness. Learning how to tolerate feeling lonely and finding ways to keep yourself company can help manage the fear of loneliness.
5. The Fear of Change - We live in a rapidly changing world. However, many people fear change. As a result, they resist it. The fear of change can cause people to become stagnant and they may miss out on a lot of really good opportunities in life.
6. The Fear of Loss of Freedom - Although we should have some fear of the loss of freedom, some people allow this fear to hold them back. Many people enjoy the freedom they have as a single person and as a result, they avoid serious relationships due to a fear that they won’t be able to tolerate the loss of the freedom. Although some loss of freedom does accompany a serious relationship, it’s important to balance independence with dependence and maintain some freedoms.
7. The Fear of Being Judged - People who worry that they’ll be judged negatively by others often shy away from social opportunities or chances to advance their career. People who adopt this fear often exaggerate how others will perceive them negatively and underestimate their ability to tolerate not being well-received by others.
8. The Fear of Something Bad Happening - Bad things happen in life. It’s inevitable. However, when people constantly fear something bad happening, it often restricts their activities. They may avoid doing a lot of things or going to certain places due to an unrealistic fear that bad things may happen.
9. The Fear of Getting Hurt - We should all have some fear of getting hurt. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t look both ways before you crossed the street. However, people who have a big fear of being emotionally hurt often refuse to enter into relationships. They may avoid friendships, keep family at an arm’s length, and skip romantic relationships due to a fear that they won’t be able to handle getting hurt.
10. The Fear of Inadequacy - One of the top fears many people share is that they’re just not good enough. They may pass up opportunities for a promotion or may decline an opportunity to lead a group because they worry that they’re inadequate. Often, they overcompensate for their fears by trying to be a perfectionist but remain plagued by thoughts that they just don’t measure up to other people.
By Amy Morin

How to conquer fear

Fear is your own making and it is in your mind only. Like someone said, we are prisoners of a non-existing threat of our own creation. So, don't be scared of fear; face it and make it disappear.

True, it is in human nature to fear and be cautious. But most of the time, fear kills your desire to take up an initiative for success.
Dale Carnegie said: Fear leads to inaction which in turn breeds doubt and more fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home just to brood about it. Go out and get busy.
"Do the thing you fear the most and the death of fear is certain." - Mark Twain
If Gandhi had made fear a part of his character, India would have never got freedom.
Look at Neil Armstrong, if he had been scared of the danger of going to and landing on moon, something no man has ever done, he would not have gotten into that Rocket. Imagine if you were the one.
See the Ethiopians, they fought fear and push back the white away from their land.
How about Mandela, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr, Helen Keller, Paul in the Bible etc.
Success does not come to those who make fear a constant part of their persona. Success goes to them who are fearless and undaunted in the face of failures and challenges.

"Your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

The best way to get over fear is to face it. Whatever you face you win. It’s human to be afraid, it happens. Just don’t let it stop you.

Face your fears!
Go for that career.
Go on that date.
Take any road at the crossroad.
Make that decision.
Approach that lady.
Sing out loud.
Put on that outfit and don’t think twice about what anyone else thinks.
Be afraid and do it anyway.
Stare fear down and make your moments memorable
banish all fears and truly live.

Live out loud!

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