Saturday 7 January 2017

Step Out and Work!

Step out!

Between the begining of a man and the end of a man, two people are involve- God and man. Only this two are involve in man's destiny. Even the devil is not involve. Yes the devil spoils - but to the extent that you also him. He only tries to contribute to a man's destiny when we allow him in.
God and Man are the only two that determines a man's destiny.

Job 1:21."And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away;..."KJV

Ecclesiastes 5:15, "As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour,..."KJV

A man comes naked into this world,
Lord gave,
He labour and,
He leaves this world naked.

God is to give, while the man is to labour (work). Which means man labour on earth with what God has given. God has always be giving. He can't fail on that.

2017 is going to be a better and bigger year for you. Lot of goodies and blessings for you and your family.
There are lots of prophetic declaration concerning this year.
"This year shall be great."
"This year shall be glorious."
"There shall be abundance this year."
"This year, my case is different."
All this are good but not the completion of the whole matter. Remember two persons are involve in the whole matter. God's gifts and Man, who uses those gifts.

You shouldn't take the giving of God to be the completion of the matter. The giving of God and the labour of man determine how quick a man succeed. The two must be complete and combined before a man can actualise his destiny.
The combination of what God gives to you and what you put in will determine your productive outcomes. Total success or Complete Failure.
Man must always have input, credible input and substantial input before his destiny can be glorious, irrespective of what God has given or said.

God gave His only begotten son. That only begotten son had to laboured to the cross in pains, if not there won't be salvation. Even Christ won't have been given a glorious name if he had folded his hands and done nothing here on earth.
Many Christians mistake the giving of God to be the completion of the matter.
When God says a word, it's not all. The words hang in the air - if I should put it that way. It do not go back to God unfulfilled. It hang there until it sees a man who make a move in the same direction. God had promised Joshua that the River Jordan will be separated but it didn't separate until they move and stepped in the river. God had promised Canaanland to the children of Israel but they have to fight, kill and destroy the canaanlites to claim the lands. God had promised the Israelites victory over their enemies, but when Goliath came, that promise was not manifested until David stood on that word and act.

What input have you put in with what God has promised?
What have you done for that glorious destiny of yours?
2017 will be bigger, blessed, glorious,...but your input determines the manifestation of those proclamations.

I was told a story sometime ago, but I will make it brief.
Two friends, Edet and Agbor went to a spiritualist (Babalawo) to see what the future holds for them. They went to enquire more about their individual destinies. The Spiritualist said to Edet, "Edet, you are born to be rich.. .you will be a wealthy man..."
To Agbor, he said "Agbor, you will not be rich..."
They left. Agbor went and started to work more harder and pray fervently. He eventually became rich while Edet who was lukewarm was poor.
So after 15 years they returned to the spiritualist confused. The spiritualist told them that what he saw was the truth. Only that Agbor worked himself out of it. While Edet, knowing he will become wealthy became lazy. The law of this earth never change...

From the story, we realised that no one is predestined in this world. No one is predestined to be rich, poor, a saint, a sinner, etc. We choose the path we trod.
It wasnt the seer that was wrong, it was Edet that was at fault for his eventual outcome.
So if God's promises or Words failed to be realise or materialised in a man's life, it was the fault of the man. God's word can not force a man. When God gives or say a word, he do not force it on you. You choose to receive it and work with it or discard it. We are free moral agent. We are not robots.
Don't say, "God said 2016 would be my year but it wasn't."
When God speaks it is done. When God promise it is established. But if it is not done,it means you didn't do it. In other words, you did nothing! Someone said when a man fails, it denote that there was something he didn't do rightly. So it was or is not the promises or words of God concerning the man's life.

God speaks the word in heaven, while man establish it here on earth.

Luke 19:11, "And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear."

The promises of God can not just appear in your life, you have to make it appear. You have to labour in that direction on the word or promises or prophesies and you will see the manifestation.
Yes, God's word will not return to Him void. It must fulfil what it is sent for. If the man concern fail to do his part, His word look for any man available who is labouring and ready to key into the word.

The mountain in front of you, will not go away until you step on it. It remains because you refuse to move. The top of Mountain Everest would still be a wonder or mystery today, if not for those brave humans that climbed to the top. The moon, bottom of the oceans etc. are impossibities before man then until man acted.

God speaks in heaven, and you go on earth and do.

I charge you today, do what He has spoken.
The mountains that God gave is the mountain you conquer.

Arise today, everyday and enlarge your coast, not because I am saying it but because God has given it.
Utilise the power in God's word.
And live your life to the fullest.

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