Wednesday 13 September 2017

If you aren't living the life of your dream now, nothing is wrong!

Do you find yourself periodically getting caught up in the idea that if you aren’t living your dream life now, something is wrong?
Do you get caught up in the idea that many have gone pass you in the race of life?
Do you get caught up in the idea that since the water meant for your "eba" refuses to boil, then something is wrong?
Do you get caught up in the idea that you aren't doing it right hence the unanswered prayers?

I am not writing to condemn you for feeling that way, or having such thoughts. Unlike many preachers and teachers, I will not run a list of sins, weakness, faults or "something-is-wrong" or "you-ain't-working-hard", etc.
Many would say, "you are not been blessed because you aren't serving God properly" or "you have sinned..."

Have you forgotten the story of Job (Job 1-32)?
His friends said the same thing? But they were all wrong?
Have you forgotten Daniel, who prayed for weeks no answer?

You ain't living your dream life right now is not due to the fact that something is wrong on your part or with you destiny. There is a divine reason for that! And, only when you allow yourself to flow with the divine wind that you will know why, joyously.

Bottom line is, you don’t have to know your “place” in life right this minute.
Nor do you have to be rich right now.
Nor do you have to be living the life of your dreams right away.

You have to be aware that life is in phases. And every phase comes with necessary tools for the next.
You have to be aware that there are people you still have to meet, ideas you still have to learn and places you haven't gone to.
You have to be aware that everything is divinely designed - so, a puppet can not go against the plan of the handler or maker.
You just have to be aware that opportunities are going to present themselves, and you should be willing to act.
It’s those moments that will help you define where you fit in.
Its those moment that will refine you for the glory ahead.

So do not be deceived,
You only grow old when you lose your dream.
Whether now or later, the time of the fulfilment of a dream is the best time. Even if its not a reality now does not mean it will never, or its gone pass the best time. God knows you better than you know yourself!
When a dream becomes a reality, a year is enough to cover the previous years of waiting.
Jesus spent 30years preparing for a ministry of 3 years, that has an everlasting lifespan.

In the meantime don’t be distracted by what everyone else is doing, there are too many other incredible ways to live your life, but your divine path is the best and that is all that really matters anyway.

Good morning!
Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo

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