Wednesday 11 October 2017

Don't confuse attachment to assignment

One of our greatest setbacks in life can be the wrong relationship. When I mean relationship, I am not referring only to that of opposite sexes but our relationship with people in general. Relationship which involves people you encounter daily or those you allow and disallowed into your life. Those acquaintances, friends, colleagues, partners, mates, peers, neighbours, pals or whatever you may call them.

It is an undeniable fact that relationships can make you or break you. You cannot effectively honour the call over your life or fulfil destiny if you have a slew of unhealthy relationships in your life.

God works through people to ultimately achieve His will. If He wants to bless, He can use human as a medium. If He wants to speak He also uses human. All these and lot more show that our interpersonal relationship with others matter.

Never confuse those who are only Attached to you with those who are Assigned to you; the Assignment is Priority, the Attachment is an Option.

There are people that have been assigned to you. They have been assigned to you for whatever reason it may be. Perhaps it is to encourage, motivate or inspire or perhaps it’s simply for you to put a smile on their faces or vice versa.
Some people are assigned to us for our growth too.
Some people are assigned to us for a moment in time, for a season or for a lifetime.
These people who are assigned have an assignment and such assignment is a priority.
These individuals if not all, are waiting for you to use your gifts, talents, skills and abilities to serve them – this is the essence of living in purpose.

It’s so important to have people around you who will speak life into your situation when you can’t. People who want to see you living out God’s plan for your life just as much as you do. Not because they want to use you but because they genuinely care about you and want the best for you. When you begin to lose hope, they quickly remind you that your worst days are behind you and your best days are ahead. They refuse to join your pity party because they see potential in you. They have seen God do miraculous things in lives and your life too and, will quickly remind you that He’s capable of doing it again.
Do you have people in your life like that? These people are ASSIGNED to you and bring out the best in you.

How about those that are attached to you...
Do you have people who are ATTACHED to you? How do you know them?
These people don’t really care about you; they only care about what they can get from you. They will use you up until you have nothing else to give and leave as soon as the next victim comes along. A particular mystic group call them vampires that drain the goodness out of you. Theirs is "what do I get in return".

You have to know the difference between those people who are assigned to you and those people who are attached to you -

People who are attached to you are those soul-sucking folks that take away from your life and do not add anything. They eat at your peace, well-being and spirit. Every time you deal with this person you are more tired and frustrated then invigorated. Simply put – they are like leeches sucking at your soul. I stop here

Be careful who you allow access to your life because the people who are ASSIGNED or ATTACHED to your life now will determine where you will be this time next year.
Anytime you take someone with you that God hasn't authorized, it tampers with your destiny. Be warned!

There are some people who are attached to you while others are actually assigned to you.
Know the difference! So I want you to take an inventory of the relationships in your life. Is there someone who has been attaching themselves to you that you need to let go? Are there people who perhaps have been assigned to you? Are there people who you can serve or vice versa?

Even if you may not know who has been assigned to you, I want to challenge you to live daily in an awareness as to who you can be of service to. You don’t have to do anything extravagant, sometimes it can be as simple as listening to someone, being a great friend, sharing words of wisdom to someone at the office and so on!
My Motto: To gain access to my life…you MUST be approved by God.

Apostle Julius Ikhide-Iyke Etaifo



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