Sunday 29 July 2018

Benefits — When You Give It All To God (Part 8)

When you give your all to Him, you touch the essence of Life.

"And because you belong to Christ you are complete, having everything you need. Christ is ruler over every other power and authority." — Colossians 2:10.

You must have heard the account of the eight (8) Wall Street topnotch business mogul who held a meeting in a hotel over 50 years ago. It was a big news throughout USA that eight of their wealthiest were together in one place.

But years later, their stories were pathetic. A few of them committed suicide, some bankrupt, others in prisons, etc. In fact, one of them was release from prison so he could die in his home.

In Billy Graham's book, "How to be born again," where I read this account, his conclusion was that those wealthiest and most influential among men of that generation had everything else but no God.

You know what? They touched delusions and illusive dreams but not reality. But, when you give your all to God, you touch reality and the essence of life.

Let's study the life of Solomon briefly. In terms of sumptuous wining and dining and other worldly pleasures and entertainments, Solomon is unrivalled in human history. Yet later in life he declared them as 'emptiness and emptiness; vexation of spirit' meaning that the essence of life is not in those things.

When you give your all to God, you experience reality, the true essence of human existence. You lived a fulfilled life in spite of all the earthly experiences or struggles you will have to go through.

A man who has God, with or without these world's goods has touched the essence of life and would no longer find life meaningless.

The fulfilled and blissful life may not necessarily be a very long one even though you and I desire extended life or longevity.

A fulfilled life is far better than a very long one.

Jesus touched the essence of life early and departed early at 33 and half years.

Doubtedly, you live a fulfilled life when you lived or poured out for God. In the very end of your time here, you would say like Paul (2 Timothy 4:6-8): "The time of my departure is near... Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord,...will award to me on that day... "

Which would you prefer, "a meaningless life" or a fulfilled life — one that touched the essence of life?



Good night, God's delight!

Apostle Julius Ikhide Etaifo



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