Friday 3 August 2018

The Hezekiah Story — 2 Chronicles 32:24-31. Isaiah 39.

(A sequel to "Be careful of how much you flaunt)

Hezekiah became deathly ill. He prayed to the Lord, who healed him and gave him a miraculous sign. But Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him, because he became proud. So the Lord’s anger was upon him and upon Judah and Jerusalem.

Later, Hezekiah humbled himself and repented of his pride, as did the people of Jerusalem. The Lord’s anger did not fall on them during Hezekiah’s lifetime.

Less I forget, it was recorded that Hezekiah had exceeding much riches and honour during his time. His success and prosperity made him somewhat proud. What do you expect? Apart from the riches, a man that thought he changed the mind of God through prayer and God elongated his years.

However, when ambassadors arrived from Babylon to ask about the remarkable events that had taken place in the land (his illness and miraculous healing), God withdrew from Him in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart. Rather than tell these strangers about the God that did the miracle, he pompously showed them every treasure — absolutely everything — in all his dominion.

Some people would say, "no offence committed. He only flaunted his success" But, the truth is, his zeal was wrongly motivated by a concern that these strangers and their king in Babylon thought him worthy because of his great riches. It should rather have been regulated by his concern for those strangers' souls and God's honour. If it were so, Hezekiah would thought only about telling them about the true God of all creation and not have shown off his worldly possessions. After all, it was the miraculous healing that motivated their coming to see him.

That act of Hezekiah incurred the wrath of God upon Him and Judah. God said days are coming when all those treasures he flaunted including the sons of Judah shall be carried to Babylon. Too bad, his pride led him to reveal all in his dominion to messengers or would-be spies.


What is so common than to show off your possessions to others? Like Hezekiah, many are times when you make those alarms, blow those trumpets, post on social medias, share the testimonies, perform that Thanksgiving when something good is about to (or have) happened. The thrills are great, aren't they? But, you have exposed yourself and the entire plans and success to danger because your motives are stemmed from pride or low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem? Yeah! Some people think that their money and their possessions is what makes them important, valuable, loved. So, they have to blow their trumpet to feel relevant. To them, people's approval is needed to actually feel satisfied with their successes which implies a lack of self-confidence.They don’t see that regardless of their wealth, they are priceless.

For the case of pride: these folks are motioned by the favoured-than-thou or holier-than-thou mentalities like Pharisees. They feel elevated, even beyond the Blesser - God himself.

In the advent of success, it is expected of you to guide yourself, stay lowly, let the success speaks for at aloud for itself, and let the focus be on God. But if you do flaunt in the pride of your heart, to gain applause from men, not giving praise to God, it becomes sin in you, as it did in Hezekiah. Like Him, you are trying to impress people — putting stock in your relationship with them, over your relationship with God.

Moreso, you should show more discretion about your possessions and success. Not all are truly well wishers — some are spies. In fact not every one is happy over that success of yours. Not that they are like others who want the ugly for you, they are just jealous and envious. And, how do you tell in someone if those two feelings will (or have) not turn(ed) into hatred and witchcraft? At that juncture, it will be too late because you have let the public in and, because of your flaunting, everyone can monitor and strategize against you. You don't want to know the length some humans can go out of jealousy and envy? They don't mind sacrificing their only heir just to bring you down. And for careless individuals, the thrills of success usually carry them away and let their guards down.

Be warned!

Apostle Julius Ikhide Etaifo

Nation Of Grace Ministries

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