Tuesday 28 January 2020

What is God’s Time?

Many Christians are fond of saying,
"I am waiting for God's time?"
Some don't know when it's fear, faithlessness or incapacity that is speaking in them. Without proper understanding, they wait throughout lifetime without accomplishing anything, when they could have achieve something great or greater. Some would say,
"Holy Spirit will speak to you when it's God's time."
Very true! But, how can one draw the line and avoid being stuck in-between intuition, instincts and mere hitch? I often asked, how do we know God's time? How do we know this is "God's time" for us to throw our net into the deep? How do we know it's not God's time too? It is widely believed that because an attempt or a Business plan wasn't successful, it isn't God's time...how true is that? If it were successful, it would be a different remark. All the time, men associate slow growth, failure and crises in any of their endeavours to that it isn't God's time and plan. And when things go smoothly, we associate that quickly to favour and God's time manifestation. One thing you should know is that men are fond of associating events with something (a reason) with reasons best to known to every individual. You can ask us. You should also know this: every decision is ours. They are your choices. So whatever outcomes are your making. Then what is God's Time? This made me to do this summary. I believe God has a specific calling for each one of us. Just like everyone, I believe God has created you unique with special gifts, talents, and strengths. He has allowed you to have various life experiences. I also believe He has placed you in different location, time and space in this globe in order to fulfill His plans and purposes here. However you fulfill His plans and purposes is up to you. The timing, the magnitude, the blissful experiences that comes with it are up to you. Before I go on, do you know if Jesus was born in this present generation, he would not have lived up to 30 years before starting his ministry. This Z generation children are wonderful! Their level of exposure... Hence the age and time would have change. This leads me to say, God's time is anytime. I will rephrase, God's time is that time or period of your life when you are over these 4 steps. If you successfully climb these 4 steps this year, His time for you will be this year. But, if a man can't get it right in 6 years, it will take that 6 years... First step: When you recognize God’s timing is not your timing: I think one of the most challenging things we have to grapple with as believers is the concept of God’s timing. We need to understand His timing is not our own. God operates in the realm of eternity. Eternity has no time constraints. God is outside time and space. Time isn't a factor to Him. The only factor He considers is the man's readiness. Have you gotten to that state when the new wine can be poured into your "new" wine skin? Have the shafts been removed from this you? I will stop here because this leads us to the next step. In our modern age you are use to instantaneous results. When you don’t see God working fast enough in your life doubt can enter your mind. I know it has for me. You may wonder if God has forgotten about you. Or perhaps if it's His time. Or perhaps question His calling for your life. The temptation here is to quit too soon. Many will park their nets and go home. If Peter and the others had gone home early, they wouldn't have met Jesus. That means they tarried on with no catch — casting their nets into the sea all night hopefully until dawn. If this is resonating with you at all, I want to remind you that God loves you and He has a plan for your life. Don’t grow weary because things are not going fast enough for you or exactly how you planned. Instead press into God. Lean not on your own understanding, but rather ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, guidance and direction. Remember what Jeremiah the prophet said,
"I know the purposes and plans I have for you says the Lord, plans of a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11. Second Step: Gain a spiritual perspective: Here are some important questions to ask in order to gain a greater spiritual perspective: What does God want me to know? What is God doing in my life? Where is He working greatest? What is He teaching me? Does He wants to give me a new vision? Does God desires to deepen my faith? Have I silenced my mind and spirit long enough to sense His direction or calling? Where do I need to grow? What does He wants to reveal to me during this season about areas of needed growth?
(Note this: God's time will never come if He desires to pour a 100litres of fresh wine but the capacity of man's vessel is 2litres. He will push such man to expansion and growth before He pours)
At this point, continue earnestly in prayer.
"Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day."
Psalm 25:4 Stepping back and gaining an objective view of what is happening in your life is very important and can be very beneficial too. Without any aorta of doubt, you need to take a thoughtful spiritual assessment of your life. When you do, you can gain great clarity, peace of mind, and insight. Your eyes will be open to the errors that led to crash of the first attempt and open to the opportunities and possibilities ahead. At this juncture, you will have to give yourself to the heart of God as you find answers through the help of the Holy Spirit. Third Step: When your faith and trust is boosted: God is a jealous God. He desires our whole heart. He wants us wholeheartedly trusting Him. This is important because often we want to place our trust in tangible things, people, or our own experience and accomplishments. At this step, when you realized your faith, trust, loved, desire to act and launch into the deep irrespective of the deficiencies or abundance, this is God's time. Read Hebrews 11 again. Those men acted out of faith. They launched deep. Hebrews 11: 1–end, "...Do I need to give you more examples? I don’t have enough time to tell you about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. All of them had great faith. And with that faith they defeated kingdoms. They did what was right, and God helped them in the ways he promised. With their faith some people closed the mouths of lions. And some were able to stop blazing fires. Others escaped from being killed with swords. Some who were weak were made strong. They became powerful in battle and defeated other armies..." God wants you to learn to place your complete trust in Him. Somehow when you get to a place where you are utterly dependent on Him, He begins to move mightily in your life. He wants you to know that in your weakness, He becomes your strength, in your uncertainty He becomes your peace, in your wavering and unknowing He reveals Himself strong. Read:
"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.", 2 Chronicles 16:9.
God's time is that time when you fulfill those steps. When you are ready, He is ready. When you get there, He is there. If you sense that God is calling you to something, don’t give up too soon even if it crashed and failed. He did not deposit dreams and callings into your hearts not to bring them into fruition: be patient, ask important questions, and have faith. Good Morning Apostle Julius Ikhide Etaifo Julinspire Int'l NOGM

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